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The System Achievers Use To Solidify Their Goals

My Vision Book

This is the first book in the series, and ideally, where you best start. When we are in alignment with ourselves, and we gain personal clarity, the other parts of life will follow.

My Business Vision Book

For those seeking leadership & business clarity. This book dives into what you want from your business, who you want to be as a leader, your exit strategy, and everything in between. 

My Relationship Vision Book

For those seeking alignment with their intimate partner. This book dives deep into all things relationships, from intimacy and expectations, to dreams & goals.

My Parenting Vision Book

For those seeking alignment in parenting-the most important job in the world. This book dives deep into everything from behaviour management to rewards, and tech use, so all parents involved can be on the same page.

My Vision Book For Youth

Imagine if we created a clearer vision of what we want from out life in our earlier years. This Vision Book is to help our youth explore their identity, and some of the guiding principles, experiences, and aspirations they have for their future. 

It’s time to have a deep conversation with yourself

The Vision Book series has been created to guide you into answering what you truly want in all aspects of your life. Because you are reading this, you must be ready for a new exciting chapter in your life-the chapter of self exploration. It’s hard to know where to start when embarking on a journey of self-discovery, which is why this book series was created, to help you delve deep and articulate what you truly desire. The ‘Exploration of Self’ phase is when you dedicate your time and energy to fully connect to who you are and what you seek, and to decipher the path forward. Deep down you know you want to reach your full potential. Close your eyes and imagine living your best life. What does it look like? Now write it in your very own Vision Book, and find your path forward.

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Who is the Vision Book for?

My Vision Book is for people who want to create the best vision for their life. You may have just started on your journey of self-discovery, or you’ve been investing in self-improvement for years.

Reading my Vision book in Bali
Reading My Vision Book with a Bowl of Fruit
Reading My Vision Book at the Waterfalls in Bali

If you are:

  • Pursuing mental clarity
  • Exploring your deepest desires
  • Determined to live your best life
  • Searching for meaning
  • Desire deeper connections
  • Seeking inner peace
Then this book series is for you. 

Create your vision today

for the life you want tomorrow

Vision setting only costs you your time and it is proven to get you what you want.

Statistics show that out of 100 people, 80 of them won’t have any goals, 16 have goals but don’t write them down, 3 have goals but don’t review them and only 1 out of 100 will write down their goals and review them regularly.

Complete your Vision Book and you will be on your way to becoming that one person.

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It’s The Perfect Gift For Yourself,
Or Someone You Love

Designed For

Growth Oriented People


Coaching Clients 


Deep Thinkers 

Business Owners 


Freedom Seekers

The Vision Book Process


Absorb the question

Commit your answer to paper

Add pictures, drawings, quotes, & affirmations to enhance the vision

Keep pursuing until you have finished the book.

Embrace & admire your vision regularly, and watch it come to life.
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The Human Brain Is Drawn To
Clarity & Away From Confusion

This Process Will Help You
  • Establish your priorities
  • Gain clarity on your life path and direction
  • Identify your core values
  • Establish your financial goals
  • Determine your important relationships
  • Plan your retirement
  • Illustrate your dream assets
  • Discover your bucket list
  • Plan your dream holidays
  • Set routines and rituals
  • Describe your dream house
All displayed in your very own printed book to admire, manifest & leave as a legacy.

Clarity Produces Results

The Vision Book series covers the biggest conversations you need to have. So much is unspoken and internalised in our heads which causes overwhelm, frustration, and lack of focus. Not having a plan for your life, business, relationships, and in parenting causes confusion, compromise, failure and let’s face it, a mediocre life. Get you vision out of your head and onto paper. You’ll have a significantly higher chance of achieving what you seek, and more!

Want To Dive Deeper?

Visioneer - Online Course
Visioneer Online Course

The My Vision Book Online Course and Workbook is your go-to guide to answering the deep and thought provoking questions that feature in My Vision Book. The course will guide you to your answers and help you navigate your realisations.

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Chaos to Clarity Mastermind

6 week challenge to complete your My Vision Book. Weekly sessions With Author Bree James to delve into the books’ topics, and guide you page by page. Combined with some fun rituals to help you achieve your vision.

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The Energy Club

The Energy Club is for people who want to  manage their energy effectively. Whether you are new to the world of spirituality and energy work, or you have been on this journey for a long time, this club is for people with a desire to improve and maintain their energetic health, and have support and guidance for those times when your energy is low.

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My Vision Voyage
Reset Retreat

With Author Bree James. A very special retreat to clarify your vision, connect you to yourself, clear what’s holding you back, and energise you.

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Chaos to Clarity Workshop

1 Day workshop on the power of Vision and to help you start the journey of creating your life vision. Author Bree James will dive deep on the book topics, and help you work through every single page. Locked in with some fun rituals to help you achieve your vision.

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Bree James - Private Lessons
Private Sessions

With Author Bree James. Helping you determine what may be holding you back from achieving your vision.

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Meet the Author

Hi- I’m Bree. Firstly, thanks so much for being here. I started this creation as I have an insatiable desire to help people live their best lives.

Like you, I am drawn to anything that helps me improve myself. I’ve been on my journey of self-discovery from a very young age. I was the type of child that was reading self-improvement books instead of fictional novels, and listening to self-help cassettes instead of the radio. I was absolutely obsessed with understanding humans and myself. I started my first foray into business when I was ten, and I believed that I could manifest & achieve everything I wanted for my life.

For many years I did my own vision book in a dodgy workbook where I wrote out the questions and answers as a ritual at the start of each year. A friend saw my scrapbook and encouraged me to create it for others. This is how the My Vision Book concept came to life.

The My Vision Book series is very special to me. I created all that I have with the help of My Vision Book, and I know it can help you too.

This system holds me accountable, it steers my decisions, it motivates me, it shows me how far I have come, and the future I am working towards. But most importantly, when I am having a low day, I open My Vision Book, and it reminds me of my innermost thoughts, it shows me my map for life, who I truly am, and I feel at peace. I know with all of my heart that if you take the time to complete your own Vision Book, you will feel lighter, calmer, more confident, and committed to live your best life- on your terms and without compromise. This creation is one of my proudest (and I have created a lot), I truly hope it energises and guides your life as much as it has mine. This series is dedicated to the brave who are on a mission to do and be their best. May your voyage to create the ultimate vision of your life bring you peace, clarity, joy, love, and contentment for your entire existence.


What They’re Saying

The power of creating a compelling vision for our future is something that most people understand but never has it been taken to the depth that Bree James has in her "MY VISION BOOK". Visually stunning, supremely practical and the perfect way to create a truly aspirational vision for every aspect of your life. I love this book a lot.

Andrew Griffiths

It gave me the motivation and the confidence to step outside and try
something new and I'm far happier now because I did take that step.


My vision book has helped me give me so much clarity and contentment it's asked me so many different questions some that I haven't even thought of before it's made my life a lot easier to where I want to put my time into and things are flowing a lot better I'm spending more quality time with my children and I'm doing hobbies that I've never done before.


My Vision Book is the perfect tool to help those who are wanting to create their dream life. The book is beautifully designed and each module has been created to help you on your self- discovery journey. After completing the My Vision Book, I have been able to truly dive deep into my future plans and discover my true vision for my life.


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